I wonder if our deeper autonomic systems of attachment don’t engage our appetites even before our will. Remember the old ad, JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS? The part of the brain that desires relief from pain and discomfort has nothing to do with the part that can actually put words together to shape the thought. Thus the Romans 12:2 verse is spot on. We must become TRANSFORMED into a new person, attached in relationship so strongly with Jesus and his people that we become people that don’t do drugs as a way out of our pain. We ask ourselves instead, “what would my people do when they are hurting and feeling alone?”

If I am attached in HESED relationship… that is deeply bonded love, then my answer looks to that relationship for an answer instead of my appetites because my affections are grounded in love bonds instead of fear bonding. If I am really able to allow Jesus to heal the broken places in my emotional maturity, I will be able to mature spiritually. I cannot love my enemies if I am overwhelmed emotionally by them. To do what Jesus commands I must become a WHOLE person who is able to attach in relationship because of IMMANUEL… God with me. 3/4 of North American men have missing maturity development at the infant level stage of maturity development…3/4 of women have missing maturity skills at the child level stage.

The core ideas of much of this comes from the teachings of Dr.Jim Wilder and his associates who are focusing their attention on how God has wired us come into the world looking for someone looking for us… and it never stops. See Wilder’s writing in LIVING FROM THE HEART JESUS GAVE YOU and THE OTHER HALF OF CHURCH.

The operation of engaging our will is a key part of our maturity… but we will never be able to say no to destructive behavior if we are not able to see ourselves in such meaningful relationships that we are transformed into people who are capable of living our lives like Jesus would because we’re family who are bonded/attached in love.

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“What the church needs is a discipleship model whose goal is to produce Christians whose character is transformed so completely they aren’t simply kind to their enemies by force of the will, they learn to love their enemies. The best indicator of growing hesed is the increasing love for our enemies.“. The Solution of Choice by Wilder & Warner

The Solution of Choice: Four good ideas that neutralized Western Christianity https://a.co/d/dr7QKiR

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