While my Revolution of Man blog, podcast, and videos deal with culture and worldview topics, Swimming in the Light explores deeper reflections from scripture, prayer, and personal devotions.
My intent is to recover the fullness of the Christian vision by helping you learn to be a light in a dark world. In a world where so many are drowning in darkness, Swim in the Light.
“Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.” (Proverbs 23:23)
Most of my content is free. If you have a few the means, please consider becoming a paid subscriber!
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” - Psalm 119:105 (KJV)
“When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea.” - John 21:7b
Get to know me and learn about our mission…
Nonprofit Foundation: www.forgeroom.org
Blog: Revolution of Man
Podcast: Revolution of Man Podcast
WHY Swimming in the Light?
I chose Swimming in the Light as my theme because I nearly drown twice as a small child. Then, I learned to swim when I was 5 years old. I went on to compete in high school, college, and triathlons. There was a parallel in my spiritual life. I nearly drown in darkness before Christ brought me into His marvelous light of Salvation. My hope is to point others to the light of the world - Christ.
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Lance Cashion is a Fort Worth, Texas native and the Founder and CEO of the Forge Room Foundation. From 2014–2023, he served as Local Outreach Pastor at a church in Fort Worth, where he oversaw domestic outreach initiatives and strategic partnerships. Prior to entering full- time ministry in 2014, Lance owned a private wealth management firm and an insurance agency. He also served as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice President of Marketing at one of the largest privately owned insurance agencies in the country. In addition, Lance enjoyed a successful career in the electronic music industry as an artist, label owner, radio host, and event promoter.
Lance brings unmatched creative energy, entrepreneurial spirit, strategic mindset, and passion into the ministry domain.
Lance received his degree in Anthropology from Rollins College (B.A.). He is a commissioned Colson Fellow – focusing on worldview, cultural analysis, and applied apologetics. Lance was awarded the Charles W. Colson Medal in May of 2022 for his pioneering efforts in launching Colson Fellows programs in the local church. He served as director of a Church Affiliate and Fort Worth Regional Cohort.
Lance is passionate about helping fellow Christians think clearly, articulate a biblical worldview, and fulfill their mission through serving others and sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Lance is a writer and podcaster on worldview and culture topics through Revolution of Man. On “Swimming in the Light”, he writes about prayer and deeper theological reflections. He speaks and teaches on a wide range of topics, from culture, worldview, public theology, and apologetics to human trafficking, pro-life issues, and biblical leadership.
Lance serves on the Tarrant County 5 Stones Taskforce Steering Committee and several nonprofit advisory boards. His commitments to combating exploitation of the vulnerable and ending modern- day slavery have taken him to Northern Iraq and opened up direct communications with the White House. He also serves on Texas Governor Greg Abbott's "Governor's Response Against Child Exploitation (GRACE)" initiative. Lance spoke at the JUST Conference in 2023.
Dr. Ben Carson invited him to join American Cornerstone Institute's "Life Coalition" as an advisor in 2022. In addition, he has prayed with Dr. Ben Carson and pastors from around the country at ACI's National Day of Prayer on two occasions.
Lance and his wife have two children and one rescue dog. He enjoys evenings with his family in the country, ranching, hunting, swimming, kickboxing, intercessory prayer, and reading on a wide range of topics. He serves as an elder at King's Cross Fellowship in Fort Worth.