The Powerful Word of the Gospel
When you hear the Gospel proclamation, you are hearing the voice and Word of God.
The Christian vision and biblical faith begins with God's Word; His voice speaking the heavens and the earth into being (Genesis 1). The vision and voice continue through the Fall (Genesis 3) and throughout the Old Testament. God's Word speaks through His laws, prophets, and promises. His Word comes to a young girl named Mary in a small town called Bethlehem (Luke 1:26-38). A vision and promise of old would be born - a King and Savior (Isaiah 9:6, John 3:16). Among lowly animals and shepherds, the Word became flesh (Luke 2:1-20, John 1:14:-18). The Christians vision culminates outside the walls of Jerusalem on a hill called Calvary on a cruel Roman cross where sin was atoned for by a sinless Savior (John 19:28-37). In the Darkness, a mystical transaction was made between the eternal Father and Son - a victory was won (Matthew 27:45-54).
It doesn't stop there... The Christian vision stretches beyond the cross and through the empty tomb to the heart of the King seated on a throne at the right hand of the Father (John 20, Hebrews 1:3). That same vision reaches into the hearts of lost lambs and dead men who inhabit the earth (1 Peter 4:6). Therefore, when a mere Christian shares this Word - this Gospel of the Kingdom, God raises the dead and brings new life. Life is wrought from death and light from darkness.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Consider the following beautiful articulation by James Dunn.
"The Father uses the powerful word of the Gospel in two ways: First, He speaks it, inwardly, to our dead souls, imparting life, bringing us to new birth. Secondly, He presents the same word of truth to us as a preached Gospel, to which the new life within us makes a personal and believing response. This is one of the most glorious truths in the whole Bible. It teaches us that salvation is truly all of God: for until new life is imparted we are dead in the trespasses and sins [Ephesian. 2:1], and as totally unable as anything that is dead to respond to God in repentance and faith. If anything is to be done, He must do it; if any blessing or change is to come to us, it must come from outside; if any agency is to be at work, it must be other than ours, for we are dead, and our only activity is to increase in corruption.
Here is the greatness of the divine mercy, the sufficiency of the divine strength and the depth of the divine condescension. He has come right down to us in our death; He has raised us up into life; and it is all due to a rich mercy prompted by a great love [Ephesians. 2:1,4-5]. It is no more possible for us to be agents or contributors to our new birth than it was for us to be so in our natural birth. All the work, from initial choice to completed deed, is His – and so is all the glory. But there is something else as well: inherent in this great truth of the new birth is the security of our salvation. Were salvation to depend on my choice, it would be as uncertain as my will which fluctuates, blows hot and cold, and reflects my divided, fallen nature. But it is His choice: of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth. And until His will changes, His word alters or His truth is proved false, my salvation cannot be threatened or forfeited."
- James Dunn (Founders Ministries) quoted by Pastor Allistair Begg
When you hear the Gospel proclamation, you are hearing the voice and Word of God.
Indeed Good News worth sharing.