Sabbath: Resting in the Gospel
Rest is our rebellion against the world and its bondage to endless work.
The Sabbath, the Lord's Day, is a day of rest —
Resting in the gospel. Resting among God's family in a local church. Resting in God's word. Resting in the abiding love of Christ for his flock. We are trusting his provision by resting.
The 4th commandment was the first commandment that God himself followed and modeled on the 7th day of creation; after 6 days of work, he rested. Our nightly need for sleep is a reminder of God's creational norms structured into reality and life in this world. Sleep reminds us of our need for sabbath—it points beyond itself to a God who himself rested.
A day of rest was decreed by our Maker. Claim your rest as issued by divine authority to you and your family.
In doing so, we show our rebellion against the world and its bondage to drudgery and work. In resting, we proclaim to a lost world, "Jesus Christ is Lord over all, including my time!" I will rest, and I'm going to devour the entire piece of leftover pumpkin pie!
Because God is good, and on the Lord's Day, I'm leading a revolt against the world and Satan by celebrating God's goodness and enjoying His blessings—even a piece of pie or a nap as I believe and rest in the Gospel.
Rest in the good news that Christ died for you and gave you His Kingdom.
Then, listen to the words of the Good Shepherd: "Lie down in green pastures; stroll easily beside these still waters... and I will refresh your soul. As you rest, fear not, little flock, because it is your Master's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."
Will you claim what you've been given by your Heavenly Father at the founding of the world?
Render the Sabbath unto God… He’s the Lord of the Sabbath! (Matthew 12:8)
Recommended reading: Hebrews 4:1-13
Introducing the Forge Room Foundation:
Committed Christians established the first hospitals and universities, abolished slavery, founded nations, and built civilizations.The Forge Room Foundation was established to carry on this legacy of cultural transformation in the great city of Fort Worth—bringing light to darkness, order to chaos, and restoration to brokenness.
Our new "Forged for the City" initiative will seek to equip and connect believers to vital areas of Fort Worth through our strategic network relationships.Learn more at
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