A note from the author: I took a break from much of my writing toward the end of June 2023. The move from church staff to launching a nonprofit foundation has been an all-encompassing experience. I am thankful for the patience and support of my readers. You can learn more about what I'm up to here...
Reflect on these powerful scenes of a God Who Serves in the four chapters of the Bible (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration)
"Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man... "But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him (among animals). So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man." - Genesis 2:18-22 (abbreviated)
"And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them." - Genesis 3:21
"Then he (Jesus) poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him." - John 13:5
"Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last." - Luke 23:46
"Since he (Jesus) always lives to make intercession for them." - Hebrews 7:25a
"He (God) will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” - Revelation 21:4-5a
Throughout Scripture, we see a God who serves. In Creation, God served His beloved crown of creation by creating resources, plants, and animals for man - eventually creating woman to be his companion and helper. When Adam and Eve fell into sin and rebellion, God served man by sacrificing one of his lower creatures to cover the nakedness of man. In the act of Redemption, Jesus Christ served man by washing the feet of His disciples, demonstrating how to serve. Redemption culminates with Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the dead - the ultimate service God could make toward His beloved creature. It doesn't stop there! His service continues as Christ intercedes on behalf of His beloved. Finally, in the act of Restoration, we see a God who serves by the most intimate act (wiping away tears) and the most powerful act (making all things new).
Heavenly Father,
You are worthy of praise and glory. I wonder, yet cannot comprehend the God of all creation condescending to serve a creature such as man. "What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" (Psalm 8:4 NIV)
I will never understand your manifold wisdom and grace. You declare, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:9)
Lord, All I can do is receive your service of grace and mercy. All I can give to you is worship as my service to you through my Savior, Jesus Christ!
“Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God. It is the quickening of the conscience by his holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by his beauty; the opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of will to his purpose—all this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable.”
- Archbishop William Temple -